Restore: Columbus

Arguably one of the most divisive topics of our time, faith and sexuality conversations continue to divide churches and families, hurt our witness with others, inhibit our own spiritual growth, and damage LGBTQ+ people.  The church has a reputation for being anti-gay, oftentimes because of harm we have unintentionally caused to LGBTQ+ people. As a result, LGBTQ+ and straight Christians alike are leaving the church or giving up on their faith because they feel unsafe around other believers, unable to engage sincere questions, and unwelcome from community where they can authentically grow in their faith.
We have to do better.
Central City Church in partnership with LOVEboldly is hosting RESTORE: Columbus, a dialogue event on faith, sexuality, and gender identity on February 27th at 7 PM. The purpose of this event is to model, encourage, and elevate thoughtful perspectives on faith, sexuality, and gender identity across diverse theological perspectives. Join us in our mission to foster empathy, curiosity, and compassion for one another in the midst of deep tension and disagreement, growing us into more faithful disciples of Jesus.

You can contact Heidi from LoveBoldy, or Joe and Allyssa Graves with any questions.


Free Store Pizza Night


Membership Class: Feb. 9th