Fall Teams

Fall Teams


If you’re interested in one of the teams, let us know!

First Impressions 

·      Skills/Passions includes connecting with new people, outgoing, includer, and detail oriented. 

·      Commitment can be up to 1x a month or as needed. 

First Impressions greets and makes sure all people, including new guests, feel welcome and connected. They are the first to greet someone, and answer questions related to the building.  Included in this, is making sure everyone is made aware of COVID-related restrictions, in a friendly and welcoming manner. 

Email us at info@centralcity.co


Media Team

·      Skills/Passions include audio, camera control, podcasting, media set up, computers, keynote.

·      Commitment can be up to 2x a month on Sunday mornings (may be adjusted)

Our Media Team contributes to our Sunday morning online experience by setting up and running cameras, audio, and keynote. Some of these require previous experience, but there are also opportunities to learn keynote, running a camera, or the sound and lights. 

 Email us at info@centralcity.co

City Kids / City Kids NEXT

·      Skills/Passions include kids, education, teaching about Jesus, crafts, games, discipleship, family investment. 

·      Commitment can be up to 2x a month and special events/activities

Our City Kids Teams want to love kids and their families. This team helps families learn and grow together in faith and discipleship, providing resources, tools, and activities for kids and families.

Email us at info@centralcity.co 

Little Bottoms Team

·      Skills/Passions include ministry and relationships with people experiencing poverty, relationships with people in the child-rearing life stage, social services, medical experience. 

·      Commitment can be up to 2x a month on Thursday nights from 5:45-8:15 interacting with member families or Tuesday or Wednesday mornings between 9:30am and 12pm to sort clothes and pack diapers.

Email us at info@centralcity.co 


·      Skills/Passions include attention to detail, cleaning, beautiful spaces, and hospitality. 

·      The COVID crew will help make sure our worship space is clean and sanitized after each service.

 Email us at info@centralcity.co

Care Team

·      Skills/Passions include connecting with people, helping others, cooking, making phone calls, delivering food or other items. 

·      Commitment can be up to 1x a month or as needed. 

The Care Team reaches out to a family who has just had a major life event, eg. birth, death, job loss or start, a home move, health concern, etc. This team connects with the person or family, identifies the need, and organizes or provides assistance.

 Email us at info@centralcity.co

Prayer Team

·      Skills/Passions include prayer and discernment

·      Commitment is as needed via email or zoom.

Our Prayer Team receives prayer requests from our community and prays for them. This team also encourages and leads our community in prayer and discernment, providing prayer resources and activities for everyone to participate in. 

 Email us at info@centralcity.co

Immigration Relief Team

The Immigration Relief Team has raised over $15,000 to support New American families around Columbus. This team collects applications and distributes funds to families seeking assistance. This team also connects with potential donors to continue raising awareness and financial support. 

Email us at info@centralcity.co 

Mental Health Team

·      Skills/Passions include healing, mental health advocacy, fundraising, application discernment, networking, resourcing others. 

·      Commitment is 1x a month or as needed.

The Mental Health Team promotes mental health and overall wellness. This team provides resources for counseling and wellness, raises funds for the Mental Health Fund, reviews applications for assistance and distributes the funds. 

 Email us at info@centralcity.co

Creative Team

·      Skills/Passions include creative arts, out-of-the-box thinking, ideating, thoughts on sermon series, creative elements of worship, engaging groups of people creatively, giving feedback.

Creative Team meets regularly to discuss, offer feedback, and plan for worship services. 

 Email us at info@centralcity.co

Worship Team

·      Skills/Passions include music, singing, playing an instrument, worship.

·      Commitment can be up to 2/3x a month or as needed.

Worship Team is a group of musicians who lead our church musically during our worship times.

Email us at info@centralcity.co

Moving Inside for Winter

Moving Inside for Winter

Hiring: Part-Time City Kids Director

Hiring: Part-Time City Kids Director