Custom Advent Kit

Custom Advent Kit

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

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Christmas has often been characterized by welcoming people into our homes: we clean and decorate, put lights on our tree, and presents under it. There might be cider on the stove, and cinnamon lofting through the rooms. Then our guests arrive: whether it’s friends or family, it’s a beautiful thing!

In a similar way, Advent is a season to prepare for Christ’s arrival and it’s important to get our house ready. One of the traditions to help set the stage for Christ’s arrival is lighting a candle each week leading up to Christmas, and then a fifth candle on Christmas eve. 

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Our gift to you. 

Even though Christmas is different this year, our church wants to help you make it the best year yet! We have put together a custom Advent kit designed to help you create sacred space for you and your family. This kit includes a custom, wooden advent candle holder, candles, daily devotions, advent readings, and activities for kids. This is unlike anything we’ve done before, and we’re confident it will help you prepare for Christ’s arrival this Christmas. And the best part: it’s free! Our gift to you. 

These are custom-built kits, so in order to get them compiled and to you before the start of Advent, be sure to sign up for yours by Tuesday, October 27th.

(If you miss the deadline, please let us know and we might be able to add to the order)

Hiring: Part-Time City Kids Director

Hiring: Part-Time City Kids Director