New Immigrant Relief Fund

New Immigrant Relief Fund

Our neighbors living in the margins are especially impacted by the economic fallout of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.  Many families find themselves with the sudden and total loss of income, and are without the safety nets of savings or better-resourced social networks.  Immigrant families are among the most affected groups; further complicating the emergency, hard-working families without social security numbers or particular visas are not eligible for unemployment claims or federal stimulus dollars.

The Central City Immigrant Relief Fund is an opportunity to embody God’s heart for immigrants (Lev. 19:33-34, Matt. 25:35) by sharing with our international neighbors in Franklin County who are in crisis.

Meal Train for The Curmode Family

Meal Train for The Curmode Family

Join us for a new way to worship.

Join us for a new way to worship.