Outdoor Worship

Outdoor Worship

Join us for a unique worship experience!

11:30am -Sundays

**Please RSVP so you can notified of rain cancelations and for the date we move inside for winter (TBD).**

Worship with us in a beautiful outdoor chapel. We will sing some songs, hear scripture, updates, and a teaching. The service will be a little shorter than usual to reduce exposure.

Rain Plans

If we end up canceling outdoor worship, we will post on Facebook, on our website as banner at the top, and email everyone who RSVP (If we don't have your email already, be sure to RSVP again—we added a spot for you to include your email!)


Northwest UMC, 5200 Riverside Drive, Columbus, OH

A couple points to keep in mind:

(As guests, we are abiding by Northwest UMC expectations for gathering in their outdoor space.)

  • The outdoor service will be at 11:30am (Northwest UMC has one of their services at 10am)

  • We are asking that you RSVP each week, so we can plan accordingly.

  • Please wear a mask and social distance.

  • There is plenty of room to spread out, go on a walk, or sit in the memorial garden. Check out the photos below.

  • The bathrooms in the building are for emergency use only. Plan accordingly.

  • The service will be shorter than usual, but will include a lot of the normal elements you're used to.

    RSVP: https://forms.gle/YwN37SeeVoJAw7jR9

Guy's Night Out: Campfire

Guy's Night Out: Campfire

Questions about Faith and Science?