End of Year Statements

End of Year Statements

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We recently sent our our End of the Year Giving Statements. If you didn’t get one in your email, please contact Matt at matt@centralicty.co

As we reflect on the last year, I wanted to take as second and give thanks to you and God for all we’ve been able to do as a church.

During the past year, Central City Church has offered weekly worship online and outside, welcomed new visitors, and distributed almost 100 Advent Kits. Along with this, we dug into issues of justice, and helped launch the Grandview Anti-racism Initiative.

Between May and September, Little Bottoms passed out over 8000 diapers and more than 800 outfits to children! Since launching two years ago, we’ve served 1108 unique children. This January, we launched a new website to support this growing work. Check it out here: www.littlebottoms.org

The Immigrant Relief Fund distributed $7300 to help new Americans cover the cost of utilities, rent, groceries and more during the COVID shutdowns.

The Mental Health Fund distributed $2399 to help individuals see a counselor—the majority of these individuals were seeing a counselor for the first time.

It was a great year—thanks in large part to donors like you.

So thank you for your support, and we hope you’ll consider continuing to contribute to our mission in the coming year.


Joe Graves
Central City Church

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