GAIN presents: Pint Size Protestors

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What does it look like to engage children in the work of racial justice? This is the question Jamille and her family asked last summer. After talking with friends, a shared passion helped them launch Pint Size Protestors. Their aim is to find safe and effective ways to engage our children in anti-racism work and advocacy.
For this event, we’re going to sit down with Jamille and discuss how that got started, what they’ve done so far, and ideas she and her team have moving forward. Also, we will take time for parents to discuss their fears, hopes, and resources that have helped them in this journey, so we can learn from each other.

While this might be helpful for all parents, it will be geared specifically to parents of children under the age of 10.

Register for a chance to win a collection of children’s books on diversity and anti-racism.

Here’s a few quotes from the Dispatch article written about the group:

“Jamille Jones started Pint Size Protesters alongside her husband, Jebel, in July 2020 as a response to protests for George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black people who died at the hands of police officers.

“The Joneses wanted to create a space where families could learn about the Black Lives Matter movement together, educate one another, and involve their children in social justice work and advocacy.”

Read more about this group:


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