Here's how you can support the Shuey Family

Here's how you can support the Shuey Family

Caleb and his family have been attending Central City Church for the past couple months and are friend with Tim and Kara Smith.

About a month ago, Caleb started having severe back pain. After having some testing done, he was told he had a herniated disc to go home and follow up with a Spine Specialist. About a week after he first went in, he lost feeling in his left leg from the calf down. He was advised to go to the ER, where they performed more tests, x-rays, and an MRI. Once again, he was given meds and told to go home and follow up with the specialist.

Flash forward to Thursday of last week, when he finally got to see the specialist- Caleb was informed that the numbness is a sign that the herniated disc is pressing against a nerve. He has to undergo a surgical procedure called a Lumbar Laminotomy immediately if he has any chance of saving the nerve. His surgery took place on Monday, April 11th, and he will be out of commission for six weeks, with a recovery time of 4-6 months.

You can support the family by either donating to their GoFundMe or signing up for the Meal Train.

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