No Church or City Kids on August 14th - Sanctuary open

No Church or City Kids on August 14th - Sanctuary open

To create space for us to experience God in new ways, and due to changes in staff, we are taking August 24th off. We encourage you to do something creative to connect with God—rest, go on a hike, pray, read scripture. Although we will not have worship or City Kids, the sanctuary will be open, for prayer, reflection, and conversation. We will have some staff and volunteers present to chat, very casually, about Faith Deconstruction.

Interested in Spiritual Direction?

We are offering limited 30min spots for you to try out Spiritual Direction on Sunday August 14th. You must register for by Monday, August 8th. (Registrations close at 11:30pm on August 8th.) There are limited spots. If they fill up, let us know and we would love to get you connected with a spiritual director on another day.

Spiritual Direction Sign Up

Spiritual Direction Sign Up

Hiring: Part-time Worship Leader

Hiring: Part-time Worship Leader