Lazarus Initiative

Lazarus Initiative

I wanted to thank everyone who was able to make it to one of our vision gatherings. If you weren’t able to attend, no worries! I know life is busy and there’s always tons going on. Either way, we hope you can spend some time praying about how you might support where God is taking our church next. Below is a brief summary of our Lazarus Initiative. It’s a chance to embrace resurrection life by offering it to our neighbors, our children, and our church. Included is a brief one page summary of the initiative, that I encourage you to read through. 

We hope you will partner with us by praying, volunteering, and giving. To accomplish our goal, we need to raise $30,000. So far, from early gifts, pledges and selling some church assets we no longer use from our mobile-church days, we’ve been able to raise $16,400. Can you help us reach the rest of our goal?

Thanks again for being the church and for all you do to show the love of Jesus to a hurting world. 

Merger Conversation

Merger Conversation

Join us for Good Friday & Easter

Join us for Good Friday & Easter