Greetings Church,

In preparing for this report, I scrolled through hundreds of photos from the past year—photos of our Grand Re-Opening, two Blessing Box Events, the Pride march, beautification project, our FIRST VBS, outdoor worship and so many more. Each photo brought back beautiful memories. I remain grateful for all that God has done through us and for all the ways you have played a part in this important work. Thank you for being a welcoming community. Thank you for making a difference in the city through Blessing Boxes & violence reduction. Thank you for being a church not only for our city but for my family.

I echo Paul’s words here in Philippians 1:3-5,

“Every time I think of you I thank God for you. I have joy in my heart every time I ask God to help you. I thank God for the joy we share in telling the good news from the very first day until now.”

Take a second and read through this report and I’m convinced you too will be grateful for all that God has done in and through you.


Joe Graves, Lead Pastor