The very last verse in the Gospel of John says this:
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. (John 21:25, NIV)
If there was ever a theme verse for this book, it’s this! The Gospel of John carefully lays out who Jesus is by describing what Jesus does. Notably, the Gospel focuses on seven signs, or seven miracles. Miracles like turning water into wine and healing the blind. Each of these signs tell us something about Jesus. Throughout Lent, on Sunday mornings, we will be walking through each of these seven signs.
But Jesus has done a lot more than this.
Included in this book are a handful of discussion questions—and we’re confident you will find some more challenging than others. More than one has us reflect on what Jesus has done in our lives.
With some of the questions, we offer thoughts and perspectives from our community. We hope their reflections inspire your own.
With all of the questions, we created space for you to journal. We’d invite you to follow in John’s footsteps and write your answers down. And maybe you will find there isn’t room to describe what Jesus means to you. Maybe John was right all along: If every one of us wrote down what Jesus has done in our lives, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written!
We trust that in reading scripture, engaging with the questions, and taking time to journal, the risen Christ will meet you and change you. Glory be to God.