Membership Class: November 3rd, 9am-1:30pm

Membership Class

1581 Cambridge Boulevard, Columbus Ohio 43212

Saturday, November 3rd from 9am-1:30pm

Do you consider Central City Church your "church home"? If so, why not take the next step and become a member? We will be holding our FIRST membership class on Saturday, November 3rd from 9am-1:30pm. During this class, we will talk about our mission and vision, core values, and what it means to enter into covenant relationship together. There is no requirement to become a member just because you took the class. In fact, in the class, we will encourage people to think about it first, and join when they are ready. But the class is a great way to learn what it means to be a member so you can make that commitment when you're ready. 

If you're interested, contact Joe Graves at



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