Steps Challenge

Steps Challenge

The Central City Steps Challenge is just about here. It will officially start this Saturday, Jan 16 and end on Sunday, February 28, so we will have more than a month of getting our exercise in together! We will be using the app Pacer Pedometer & Step Tracker:

The app will ask permission to connect to your health apps and will track your steps passively, so no need to run the app while you walk or run. We will have a group called Central City.

Link to group.

This will be the main page where we can all see each other's progress. Within the group, there will be 2 challenges, one for those of you that routinely run and one for those starting out.

The challenge for more experienced runners is called Central City out for a run. If you often/consistently go for a run, join this group.

The challenge for more casual walkers/runners is called Central City out for a walk. Note that this does not mean you can't go for a run and have that count to your steps, just that running is something you do less often and your distance will start out less than those with more experience running.

We will be giving away prizes for 1st and 2nd place in each group. Each steps leader will get a sweatshirt, and each second place member will get thermos, but everyone who tries to get out there and get more steps in is still a winner in our book! Excited to come together with all of you in this! If you have any questions, feel free to email me with anything you may have.

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