40 Days in John: A Community Reflection Guide

40 Days in John: A Community Reflection Guide

We long for chances to hear from each other; learn from each other; and get to know each other. This is one of those opportunities.

We will be spending the 40 days leading up to Easter reading through the Gospel of John. We’ve developed a series of reflection questions to help us engage each day with the text. We’re looking for a few people to contribute to this reflection guide.

It doesn’t mean you have to write a devotion. All it takes is answering a couple of reflection questions. We will take everyone’s responses and add them to the reflection guide, allowing us to not only wrestle with the text ourselves, but see what other people are thinking.

This is for anyone who is willing. It’s even a great idea for kids! We’d love for everyone to participate.

Sign up to contribute here:

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