Keep the Faith - Week 3

Keep the Faith - Week 3

John Wesley taught the early Methodists 3 simple rules:

  1. Do no harm.

  2. Do good.

  3. Attend upon all the ordinances of God.

The first two of these are fairly self-explanatory. By the last, Wesley meant:

The public worship of God, The ministry of the Word, either read or expounded, The Supper of the Lord, Family and private prayer, Searching the Scriptures, and Fasting or abstinence. (This list taken from the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church, 2012, ¶104.)

At Cityview, we summarize the last one as “keeping the faith” but others summarize it as “staying in love with God”—in either case, you can see how they are similar and it’s good to know where they come from!

The Original Hebrew Nativities- Week 1

The Original Hebrew Nativities- Week 1

Keep the Faith - Week 2

Keep the Faith - Week 2